Saturday, April 02, 2005

Save Our Public Libraries

Little rouses my support more than public libraries. I wholeheartedly agree with the American Library Association that free public libraries are a basic right, and necessity, in a truly democratic society.

The public library is often the only access to books, newspapers, periodicals and internet access for low-income families, millions of children and immigrants. Libraries today are important literacy centers that provide no-cost assistance in reading , writing, conversational skills, school homework assistance and much more.

I volunteer tutor weekly through our local library's literacy program, and my 13 year old will spend a couple summer afternoons there each week volunteering where help is needed.
This comes from the United Farmworkers Union, founded by the late Cesar Chavez, an 8th grade drop-out who later came to value education.....

Access to public libraries should be a priority, especially in poor communities where many don't have money to buy books, access to computers and their children don't even have a place to study. Libraries expose a new world to these children and offer them positive pursuits. We need your help to "Save our Libraries" and give poor youth a future.

Due to budget cuts, all three libraries in the city of Salinas, Calif., home of Grapes of Wrath author John Steinbeck, are due to close soon. If we don't address the crisis in Salinas, it will happen elsewhere. Please make a difference by signing the "Save Our Libraries" online petition.

If you live in the Salinas area, you can also join us on Saturday, April 2, at a 24-hour read-in. The read-in starts at 1 p.m. at Salinas' Cesar Chavez Library located at 615 Williams Road. Make a difference for farm worker children.

Ask officials why are the poorest children are losing access to books and computers? We don't see the library in Beverly Hills being shut down. Help us tell California public officials that libraries and education are not expendable.

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