Monday, February 07, 2005

Reid Has Tough Words for New Republican Smear

Deservedly tough words today from Democratic Senate leader Harry Reid of Nevada. Senator Reid is known as an honorable man of contradictions....soft-spoken yet tough-as-nails, a Mormon Democrat who was the crusading Chair of the Nevada Gaming Commission. He was elected the Senate Minority leader in November 2004, succeeding Tom Daschle.

"The President's State of the Union speech last week once again reminded us about how much work we have to do in Washington. And in my response to his speech, I pledged that Senate Democrats will not 'let partisan interests get in the way of what's good for the country.' I had hoped that was a commitment the President and his Republicans colleagues would live up to as well.

Unfortunately, it became crystal clear today that some in the President's Party are going to keep playing their petty, divisive game of politics as usual. And I call on the President today to put an end to it. The Republican National Committee said today they plan to launch a concerted and prolonged campaign against me. And in an even more disgusting step, they have announced their intention to unfairly attack my family as well.

I've been in Washington enough to expect to be the target of criticism every now and then, but raising false accusations against my family is the sort of despicable politics the American people are tired of. It's disappointing to see the Republicans up to their same old tricks. Americans are tired of the same old Republican hackery, and it is incumbent on the President to stop it.

You know, the day after the election the president called me and said, 'now that I've been elected for the second time. I don't have to campaign again. I'm going to do everything I can to work with you.' I believe he meant that. And it's time for him to show it.

Actions speak louder than words Mr. President, and it's time for you to act. I call on you today to repudiate the plans of the RNC and tell them to cease and desist from spreading this document they have prepared.

With all the important issues facing the American people right now, there is no room in Washington for this revolting kind of politics.

The President needs to stand up today and put an end to it. "

Amen, Senator. And good luck on getting the RNC pit bulls to quit viciously attacking worthy adversaries.

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